So a few weeks ago I finally got into the doctor about the problems I am having with my ears. I thought it was nothing serious but turns out i have some problems.
Over the past few months I have been suffering from moderate to severe pain in my left ear. The pain is not there all the time but on days I have the pain, it is awful. The pain often leads to motion sickness followed by migraines. I was also having difficulty hearing. My husband and son had brought this to my attention. I kept telling them I WAS NOT the problem. The problem was because they mumbled.
I honestly thought the problems were being caused by a small cyst that had developed behind my ear. I went to the Dr in hopes it could be removed and then everything would be okay. Nothing is ever that easy for me.
Turns out I have Meniere’s disease ( Fortunately, they can treat the disease but they said I would never regain the ow frequency hearing in my left ear. If it goes untreated I could become completely deaf.
Well tomorrow is the day all my testing is scheduled. I will be undergoing a serious of tests that are designed to tell what triggers the motions sickness (vertigo) and the migraines. I was told to have someone that could drive me home because I would be so sick they legally cannot allow me to drive myself home.
Needless to say, I am seriously excited about all of this. I am ready for tomorrow to be over with and treatment to commence. I do not want to lose my hearing but I am trying to be optomistic. I mean really, I may never get to hear the voices of my non-existant grandchildren or hear crickets chirping ever again but I also will not ahve to listen to other people's crap....right? Ugh, I am really scared about this!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Always busy
So this week has been terribly busy. Everyday I have been running around taking care of stuff. By the end of the day I am so exhausted I literally feel like I crash!!! Maybe I need more caffeine...but then my heart might explode. Thus I digress.
With everything I have done this week, you would think I would be winding this process down but noooo. Every time I think I am almost done, I get a crap-ton more paper work to do.
We did get the lease signed this week. Along with all the JPPSO paper work and appointments set up. Then we later found out my name was not added to the form so we have to stop back in to get that fixed...thanks guys lol! Also, the lease signing was not just a signing. It was an entire military brief. Took over an hour to get the paperwork completed. I was not expecting that at all. Once that was done, I went on ahead and paid our deposit early. Heaven help us if we waited until the last minute and something was done incorrectly.
I also had to run all over town to get paper work mailed to our current realtor and I had to take care of some insurance paperwork. Not to mention normal errands like delivering the child to his appointments and going to the grocer.
Today we spent hours having me added to that previously mentioned JPPSO paperwork and getting info to register our son for the new school. We also have to enroll him in CYSS so we can use day care services and let him participate in sports. No it is not the same office. We had to go to different locations to get this paperwork. Afterwards we had to go back to the same building from where we started to get another form so we can register our weapons for post living. once all this was done we finally met the property manager (who was late by the way) to get our keys to the new place.
Now that it is dark and I am completely exhausted my dear sweet hubby says, "Are you going to bed? It is not even 11pm? You are getting old and tired." I swear he is asking for a groin punch!
No idea what I will do tomorrow. Hopefully sleep in late and have someone else make me breakfast...but I am not holding my breath!
With everything I have done this week, you would think I would be winding this process down but noooo. Every time I think I am almost done, I get a crap-ton more paper work to do.
We did get the lease signed this week. Along with all the JPPSO paper work and appointments set up. Then we later found out my name was not added to the form so we have to stop back in to get that fixed...thanks guys lol! Also, the lease signing was not just a signing. It was an entire military brief. Took over an hour to get the paperwork completed. I was not expecting that at all. Once that was done, I went on ahead and paid our deposit early. Heaven help us if we waited until the last minute and something was done incorrectly.
I also had to run all over town to get paper work mailed to our current realtor and I had to take care of some insurance paperwork. Not to mention normal errands like delivering the child to his appointments and going to the grocer.
Today we spent hours having me added to that previously mentioned JPPSO paperwork and getting info to register our son for the new school. We also have to enroll him in CYSS so we can use day care services and let him participate in sports. No it is not the same office. We had to go to different locations to get this paperwork. Afterwards we had to go back to the same building from where we started to get another form so we can register our weapons for post living. once all this was done we finally met the property manager (who was late by the way) to get our keys to the new place.
Now that it is dark and I am completely exhausted my dear sweet hubby says, "Are you going to bed? It is not even 11pm? You are getting old and tired." I swear he is asking for a groin punch!
No idea what I will do tomorrow. Hopefully sleep in late and have someone else make me breakfast...but I am not holding my breath!
Monday, May 21, 2012
The Waiting Game
All I can say about today is that it has proven to be full of things for which I must wait. WAIT WAIT WAIT...I am not the most patient person in the world either. Waiting is something I hate. it stresses me out. Gives me so much more time to worry.
Unfortunately, today my husband's surgery got rescheduled, not once BUT TWICE. The doctor called and rescheduled it from May 29th to June 1st. About an hour later the hospital called stated it was rescheduled to June 5th because they needed more time to grow the bone they are going to use to do his bone graph. It needed more time to mature. I am glad they are making sure things are done properly but it has been scheduled for May 29th for over a month. Today they realized the bone would not be mature in time??? This irritates me to no end!
I also found out I have to wait another month before I can fully move because of our realtor. They will lie like dogs in order to fill a property. Very much done with it all. It is what it is and I just have to wait.
Lastly, I am waiting to find out if I will get the job I interviewed for today. I should know something by the end of the week, hopefully. I really want this job so I will be waiting with baited breath. It is closely located to where we are moving and it has hours I can work with and still be able to care for my family. Keeping my fingers crossed for this one!!!
OH, I also want some bubble milk tea but have to wait until I can get it. Well, I have to wait until I go somewhere that has it. I also have to wait for diet cheat day...but I want it now. I am craving it so badly. YUMMS!!!
Unfortunately, today my husband's surgery got rescheduled, not once BUT TWICE. The doctor called and rescheduled it from May 29th to June 1st. About an hour later the hospital called stated it was rescheduled to June 5th because they needed more time to grow the bone they are going to use to do his bone graph. It needed more time to mature. I am glad they are making sure things are done properly but it has been scheduled for May 29th for over a month. Today they realized the bone would not be mature in time??? This irritates me to no end!

Lastly, I am waiting to find out if I will get the job I interviewed for today. I should know something by the end of the week, hopefully. I really want this job so I will be waiting with baited breath. It is closely located to where we are moving and it has hours I can work with and still be able to care for my family. Keeping my fingers crossed for this one!!!
OH, I also want some bubble milk tea but have to wait until I can get it. Well, I have to wait until I go somewhere that has it. I also have to wait for diet cheat day...but I want it now. I am craving it so badly. YUMMS!!!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Busy Days
I have not written my blog in several days. I have been so very busy trying to get things in order for the upcoming events in my life.
My husband had been gone for nearly two weeks and the day he returned we had to "hit the ground running" to get stuff done. His first day back we had two pre-op appointments for his surgery AND we had to get all the paperwork over to the housing office. we did get approved for our house so now we get to move.
Friday I went to Seattle with a friend. It was a great time. We had dim-sum and saw some of the sights. However, that is an entire blog topic itself. We plan to do it again so we can see the things we missed on this trip. I did however mark a few things off my list.
Monday I have a job interview and an appointment with JPPSO. Or should I say my hubby will meet with JPPSO. I cannot be in two places at once lol. I am glad he can handle this one. Later int he week we have to sign our lease papers and then pick up our keys.
The next week on Tuesday is when my hubby has his surgery. I will be relieved when it is done and we are on the path to recovery. Once his surgery is done, I have to get mine in order. I found out I have meniere's disease which is causing me to lose my hearing. It is treatable so I am staying positive. At the moment, I am mainly focusing on how bad I want this job. I really really want this one!
I will keep updating how things go for us. I will just be glad when things are no so hectic!
My husband had been gone for nearly two weeks and the day he returned we had to "hit the ground running" to get stuff done. His first day back we had two pre-op appointments for his surgery AND we had to get all the paperwork over to the housing office. we did get approved for our house so now we get to move.
Friday I went to Seattle with a friend. It was a great time. We had dim-sum and saw some of the sights. However, that is an entire blog topic itself. We plan to do it again so we can see the things we missed on this trip. I did however mark a few things off my list.
Monday I have a job interview and an appointment with JPPSO. Or should I say my hubby will meet with JPPSO. I cannot be in two places at once lol. I am glad he can handle this one. Later int he week we have to sign our lease papers and then pick up our keys.
The next week on Tuesday is when my hubby has his surgery. I will be relieved when it is done and we are on the path to recovery. Once his surgery is done, I have to get mine in order. I found out I have meniere's disease which is causing me to lose my hearing. It is treatable so I am staying positive. At the moment, I am mainly focusing on how bad I want this job. I really really want this one!
I will keep updating how things go for us. I will just be glad when things are no so hectic!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
So my favorite cousin, my partner in crime, my friend since the day I was born messaged me today. She was dreadfully upset because no one, not even her Mama, remembered her birthday. The only love she got on her birthday was on Facebook. **Side note: I tried to call her, as I am 3000 miles away, to talk to her but she did not answer**.
Anyway, she was telling me how no one at home remembered her birthday. She said she did not even get a card. To male matters worse, she got a call a few days after from her brother. He told her to come to their mother's house for a "fish fry". She did not want to go as she was upset about her birthday and she was not feeling well. She decided to go only because she thought they may be having a dinner for her birthday...since they all forgot! Was this the case? NOPE!!! She was still forgotten. It was not until she mentioned how they had all forgotten that they remembered.

So as she handed her the cake, I had a piece of cake. My piece of cake had a birthday candle in it. The number "0"; as we refuse to get any older. I told her daughter to start singing happy birthday. Then We told her to look into the computer screen and blow out the candle (that was on my piece of cake). As she blew at the computer screen I blew out the candle on my end. We then had cake and beer cousin and I that is. Her daughter had water. Hell, I even had a small spot of birthday decorations on my table so she could see them as we "celebrated her birthday".
My cousin was smiling so big and she looked so happy. I am glad I can make her feel special. This is what she posted about our party..."Well, it took 5 days, but I received a birthday party today!!! All the way from Washington State!!! My most awesome cuz/bestest friend/PIC threw me a surprise party this afternoon, complete with blowing out the candle, cake, and beer! Made me feel special!!! (I know, right?? Who woulda thunk it?). Bless this chick!!! She loves me, regardless!!! Thank you for thinking of me, taking the time, and sharing the love!!!! And even suffering through a God Awful Coors Light, which in it's next life, hopes to come back as a real beer!! I do love you!!!!" I wish everyone treated her this way. She should be treated special because she is special to me. I miss her everyday and i cannot wait until I can see her again and have a margarita and some nachos with her!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Common Military Wife Experience
YouTube video featuring all the things Military Spouses HATE to hear while their Soldier is deployed. Take note! These answers are so very true. You should never have to ask this crap again!
I can find the humor in this as I have been through a deployment with my husband and learned how to handle these insane questions. I can say though, for a first timer, these questions can make you ANGRY. Ask at your own risk lol!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Nothing Important
Today was a day of fun in the sun. Nothing eventful happened and nothing was really accomplished.
My son and I went to post for a little lunch and to pick up a few things for the house. We decided to go over to Shoreline Park on North Fort Lewis. We had planned to take out one of the peddle boats but saw none available. Since that was not available, he played basketball with some other boys while I read George Orwell's 1984 while sitting in the sunshine. It was such a pleasant day out. I got a little sun on my skin and it felt AMAZING. Wish I could tan but I turn red lol. Sunscreen is my friend.
Once we were tired of the park we grabbed a milkshake and came home. Since we have been home we have watched several of the Harry Potter Films while eating popcorn and pizza pockets. This has been such a fun uneventful day with my little guy. I wish everyday could be this relaxing but next week is going to be a busy one for me. I am not looking forward to it. However, I will deal with that when the time comes. for now, I am going to watch the rest of the Harry Potter Films and hang out with my little man on Mother's Day!
My son and I went to post for a little lunch and to pick up a few things for the house. We decided to go over to Shoreline Park on North Fort Lewis. We had planned to take out one of the peddle boats but saw none available. Since that was not available, he played basketball with some other boys while I read George Orwell's 1984 while sitting in the sunshine. It was such a pleasant day out. I got a little sun on my skin and it felt AMAZING. Wish I could tan but I turn red lol. Sunscreen is my friend.
Once we were tired of the park we grabbed a milkshake and came home. Since we have been home we have watched several of the Harry Potter Films while eating popcorn and pizza pockets. This has been such a fun uneventful day with my little guy. I wish everyday could be this relaxing but next week is going to be a busy one for me. I am not looking forward to it. However, I will deal with that when the time comes. for now, I am going to watch the rest of the Harry Potter Films and hang out with my little man on Mother's Day!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Soldiers have bad days at work just like any one else. Like most spouses we are supportive when our significant other has a rough day. Personally, if my soldier has had a bad day I try to make sure he has the things he likes at home. On these nights I try to make his favorite foods. I want the house clean when he gets home so everything is in order. I am more comfortable in a clean house so I logically think he would be too. Honestly, this is probably the easiest thing I have to deal with.
Injuries are one of the toughest. I know a lot of jobs result in injuries but few result in injuries like Traumatic Brain Injuries, loss of limbs, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. These are not easy things to deal with nor are they things your soldier can "just get over and deal with". When facing these things all a person can do is be as supportive as possible and try to remember the person you fell in love with in the first place. For some, this is not always easy.
Nightmares and guilt are also difficult to understand. As a spouse I am happy my husband survived his two tours. As a soldier he carries guilt because he did not die like some of his "brothers". My husband lost a close friend who was a husband and father of three. At the time my husband was a single soldier. He had no family to be responsible for. Apparently, when his friend died in combat and he saw it, my husband had some trouble dealing with this. I now know he still does. There are many nights, usually around the anniversary of the attack, he will have nightmares. He will talk in his sleep and wake up sweating and in a panic. When this happens I try to keep him calm and just hold him. It is best if I can keep him from waking up because then he does not remember it in the morning.

Dealing with all these things makes deployments feel like just another day. The thing I worry about most when he is away is what happens if he needs me when he has a nightmare and I am not there. I no they have therapists but I always feel like I should be the one to comfort him.
I know I am not hte only spouse who handles this type of stuff so to all the Military Spouses I want to say thanks. We have a tough job to do and it is not always easy but with love for our soldier we can handle it. No matter if you are a soldier's husband or wife you deserve thanks and I understand your sacrifice. So here is a blod dedicated to all of us!!!
Side was also "National Eat What You Want Day" so treat yourself to a special snack!!! I did lol!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Warning Labels

These kinds are common sense. However, some of them are crazy. For example, on curling iron labels it says "Do not stick in any orifice". Who would do that? I mean someone had to do it and get harmed. Otherwise there would be no label. Also makes me wonder if they were harmed because they decided to do it while the thing was hot.
My hairdryer has a label that treads. "Do not use in shower". Not only is that the stupidest thing I have ever read but the entire idea is so counter productive. The risk of electrocution should be known by humans. Nonetheless, even if someone did not know about the danger of electrocution, why the hell would anyone use a hair dryer in the shower? How can you dry your hair when you are under a water shower? Like I said, COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.
This was on a package of shin guards. "Shin pads cannot protect any part of the body they do not cover."Well of course they cannot. Who expects their shins to be protected if the guards are not on your body. On second thought, does someone really think shin guards might protect their head...if they are on your shins? This one really confuses me as to what people are thinking. I would not want to be the idiot in the E.R. who said, "I thought my skull was protected. I was wearing shin guards."

When my son was a baby, this one made me question the knowledge of parents. Someone had to do this or there would be no label!!! "Remove child from the stroller before closing." How is this even possible? Was this person NOT EVEN LOOKING at the baby or the stroller? Did they not notice they were having difficulty getting it to fold? At what point did they notice the complication with folding the stroller was because their BABY was in the seat of the stroller?!
I will end with a disturbing one. I bought a belt a few months back with a sticker on it that read, "Not to be used as a choking device. Death may result." I am pretty sure I know why this one got started. People are into some kinky stuff but oh my...they have to make a warning label to prevent us from choking ourselves to death while...doing the deed.
We are supposed to be the most intelligent species. There are many occassions when I doubt this very much!!! Let us all be smart my readers. Common sense is a wonderful thing.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Find the Positives

So the first thing I do when I tell him goodbye is enjoy my ride home without him criticising my driving. He says I drive too slow because I drive the speed limit. I drive faster when I am alone but when my son is in the car I think it is important to be extra careful. I also cannot afford a ticket on my driving record.
Next I come home and go back to sleep. I pretend it makes me happy to not fight with him over the covers in our sleep. It really does not but I can pretend. He is so warm and puts off so much body heat. I miss him when he is away because even if he steals the covers, his body heat keeps me warm.
Once I wake up I think about all the things I can cook that he does not like. Things I love. Like slaw dogs. He hates coleslaw, much less on a hot dog but I love it. So that is what I had for dinner tonight. And I can do that for the next several days.
When he does not come home in the afternoons he will not put his uniform on the back of my couch. His boots will not be strewn across the living room floor. I may be able to keep the house clean. Again, this really does not make me happy but it does comfort me a little bit.
I will also be able to sleep a little later in the morning and not have to get up early to make his lunch. It will be nice to sleep in late for a change. If you consider 0530 sleeping late.
The next eleven days are going to be long and boring but I will constantly try to find the silver lining. If I do not do my best to stay positive I will get way to depressed. Even when he is stateside he is gone so often. Even eleven days seems like an eternity. A short mission deployment lol. I am just already ready for him to come home.
Nights are the worst and sleep evades me when he is away. I will be exhausted by the time he returns but my son and I are going to make the most of this week and try to be happy!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Day of the Nerd
For instance, Star Wars. When my husband and I were young Star Wars and mostly all science fiction made you the nerdiest of the nerds. The one nerd no person wanted to be around...except for other nerds lol. However, as I stated, my son is cool for liking Star Wars. I love how times change.
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Empire/Republic |
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Rebel Alliance |
May 4th is considered "Day of the Nerd". I love this as we are a house full of nerds. I consider myself a nerd and both my husband and son are nerds too. We are proud of the fact we are nerds. I think it is funny how the things that made my husband a nerd when he was growing up, make my son cool.
For instance, Star Wars. When my husband and I were young Star Wars and mostly all science fiction made you the nerdiest of the nerds. The one nerd no person wanted to be around...except for other nerds lol. However, as I stated, my son is cool for liking Star Wars. I love how times change.
Anyway, this blog is kind of a tribute to all the nerds. The true nerds. Not the pseudo nerds of today. So here goes my rant of sort:
- Wearing suspenders and glasses with the lenses pushed out does not make you a nerd. It makes you a hipster.
- Reading a book does not make you a nerd. It makes you a fourth grade graduate.
- Playing World of Warcraft or other online games does not make you a nerd. It makes you a gamer.
- However, if you can tell me what this is and describe in detail what it is used for (without using Google)
you might actually be a nerd lol.
In our family we celebrate being a nerd. We love Star Wars...all of them, Lord of the Rings...the entire trilogy, eagerly await the release of THE HOBBIT. We love graphic novels and anime. My son and husband really dig MANGA. We participate in Dungeons & Dragons and Rifts. And save us all, we love the card game Munchkin. We have some of our greatest family times over these nerdy things. I would not have it any other way. I love my nerdy boys!
So in celebration of Nerd Day, "May the 4th be with you!" I feel some Star wars in our immediate future! Fun times!
Hooah Heartaches

I am not sure if people really understand what this means. So I will try to explain in as few words as possible. We have no say in where we live. The Army picks the duty station of our Soldier and we follow. Sure we can decided if we live "on or off-post" but that is about it. We also cannot just go to a doctor if we are sick. We have to go to our general practitioner to get a referral to see a specialist fro any condition we have. For example, I have a friend who needs a hearing test for her daughter. She has to go to the clinic, to get a referral, to make an appointment to get a hearing test. She also does not have time to wait as it is time sensitive for this to get done as they are leaving the country. They are being restationed and have to get all of this done before they can leave. These are just two instances where we have little to no say in our lives. There are more but that is not what this blog was supposed to be about.

We get so little time with them due to deployments. Many people think a deployment is the only time we are separated. Unfortunately, it is not. My husband has been back for almost a year and has been away several times. I have lost count of how many times he has had field duty. This means he was away at least four consecutive days but usually more. There is also CQ duty, which is only overnight but it still takes him away. We also have big training missions. That is what we are facing now. He will be away for 11 or 12 days, depending on the hour they return. For over half of our relationship we have been apart.
We say this is why we are so in love, because we never get tired of one another but it makes this life difficult. I miss him. Our son misses him. He misses us. But this is the life I signed up for. Many wives did not sign up for this. It is something that happened AFTER they married their spouse. My spouse has been a Soldier since I met him so I knew it would be this way. That does not make it easier to be without him though. And the children suffer more than the spouses, I think. Always missing Daddy or Mommy. They are single parent children without understanding why. But it is for the course, or so it is explained. The greater good of humankind. I just wish humans appreciated what we go through to keep them safe and our freedoms protected.

And I will not get into how some of the mother's of our soldiers feel. This will be the third Mother's Day in a row our unit will be on mission and away; whether in theater or garrison. Being away is away. It is just another sacrifice but it would be nice to have them here. I know it is not like Christmas but tell that to a mom who has not seen her son or daughter on Mother's Day in three years. I am sure it is little comfort.
HOOAH...this is the cheer. Hooah heartaches is what we all fear. We know they are coming for us and our children but we must push forward; for the greater good! Sadly, sometimes I just want to be a wife.
And shit I hate that sentence rhymes but if I reword it it does not seem to express what I want it too.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Sick Days

I think it is amusing how we can get sick days from work, excused absences from school, but moms never get a sick day. I only thought of this today when I feel really bad. I apparently have a stomach virus. Well my son looked at me today and said, "Mom, you do not seem sick. You are still taking care of stuff. If you are sick, why are you not lying down like you tell me to do when I am sick?"
I just smiled and told him I was okay but he has NO IDEA how bad I really want to do just that. I want nothing more than to lay down and rest. To snuggle with my fuzzy blanket and a tall bottle of water to stay hydrated. Nothing would make me happier...well except not being sick. That would make me happiest.
However, I know my family needs me. My son needs help writing a report about a volcano. I also have to start dinner. This laundry is not going to wash itself and if I do not do it they may not have clean clothes soon. My family needs me and they are my life. It is my responsibility to make sure they are taken care of.
Don't get me wrong, my son and husband help me. They pitch in even more on days I am sick but my son has homework responsibilities and my husband works all day. I know my son will not be excused from homework just because I am sick and my husband is so tired when he gets home. I feel guilty when he has to help with homework or cook dinner. Those are my jobs and usually I am really good at them.
With all that being said, I need to give KUDOS to my mom for her years of hard work with our family. I am ashamed I never noticed this before. She is amazing and did a wonderful job. Everyone be sure to tell your mom how much you appreciate her. She probably does not hear it enough. And every now and again, give her a sick day. Even if she is not sick!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Army Wife Stereotypes
The first stereotype I will hit is the "fat" one. Not all Army wives are fat. Some of us are quite fit. And many of the "fat" ones are pregnant. I do know several overweight Army wives but I know just as many overweight civilian wives.

Third, we are not "lazy". The majority of us have to manage everything as our husband will be leaving for an extended amount of time, at least once. We better be able to manage everything or we would be homeless within three months. We also do volunteer work, support one another when needed, and still manage to find enough time to shower. Lazy is the last thing I would call an Army wife.

Lastly, I will talk about being "gossipy". Not all of us talk about the business of everyone else. In fact, a lot of us do not even care about other people's problems. We have enough to deal with on our own accord. We do not need added drama from someone that really does not matter.
So the next time you want to clump all Army wives into a generalized group, remember there are exceptions. I am one of them. I love my family and would do nothing to jeopardize that relationship nor my husband's career. I am a wife first and foremost. Army is just part of the baggage!
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