Monday, February 24, 2014



Just to walk away from the unhappiness
Run as far and fast as I can
Leave it all
-the unappreciated tasks
-the lost causes
-the endless advances
Just walk away; be alone; be happy
Cannot take anymore
Scared, Bent, Broken

-Ella Pygmalion original

Kiss in the darkness

I know the Devil is real. I have no doubt at all. He reaches into my mind; makes all my happy thoughts turn dark. He turns my happiness into negativity and fear. No matter how hard I try to calm these thoughts they are never far away. Lurking. Hiding. Crouching in the dark crevices of my tormented psyche. I shout. I scream. “You have no business here. My soul is my own. You cannot keep me locked in the darkness of fear. GOOOOOOOOO AWWAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!” He merely chuckles and kisses me goodnight.

~An Ella Pygmalion original

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Raising a teenager

Oh to be the mother of a 13 year old boy. As close as he is to my heart, he still drives me crazy. It seems so hard for him to focus and complete a task. If I redirect him once, I redirect him 10 times while he is doing the same task. It would be so easy to give up and do things myself but it is my responsibility to make sure he can be self sufficient. I will not give up on teaching him. I love him too much.

Friday, February 14, 2014


I try to control my anger at all times. I love being funny yet poised. However, this week was so awful...there were a few times I felt like I was one insult or catastrophe away from being the star player in an episode of Snapped!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Benedict Arnolds

Sometimes doing the right thing makes people turn against you. Never be afraid to stand against unethical and illegal behavior. Do not compromise your own standards to make others happy.

I would rather stand alone for what is proper and right than be surrounded and supported by reprobates.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Many things have happened in my life since I stopped blogging regularly.  I had not realized how much time had passed until last week.  I am going to try to blog regularly again as I found it fun and somewhat therapeutic.  

Since my last entry my husband has completely recovered from his ankle surgery and is working hard to further his military career.  It was a long journey to accomplsh full recovery but I am proud of his accompishemnt.
My son also had surgery on both of his eyes (at the same time) in order to fix some muscle issues.  He no longer has a weak eye and a strong eye.  The doctor made the eye muscles in both eyes exactly the same.  Now the child can literally see straight.

Also, my husband has legallyadopted my our son.  This was an amazing event for us and we are about to celebrate the one year anniversay of our family becoming official.

Another great event of the past year is we purchased our first (and hopefully last) house.  It was a stressful event but one that has been well worth the hassle. 

Hope you enjoyed the rush through the past year of my life!!!  Look for another blog entry coming soon!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I'm back

 What A Busy Time I Have Had. Slot Has Happened. I Just Realized I Have Not Blogged In Over A Year. I Decided To Start This Back Up Again...And Maybe A YouTube Channel.  Stay Tuned...

And Sorry About The Weird Type. I Am Doing This From My Phone...