On Monday, June 4th he had his final recital for the year. When he began orchestra this year, I was shocked that he chose orchestra over band. I let him make the decision on his own so when he came home with a note stating he had chosen to play the viola, I was a little worried. I was not looking forward to all the hours of practice. I thought the sounds coming from the instrument would be terrible until he learned it well. Honestly, I thought it would sound like a screaming dying cat.
Fortunately, he picked up on how to play the instrument very quickly. In just a short month he was playing sounds and I could tell what songs the sounds were making. It was not perfect but it was recognizable. In the beginning he was just plunking the strings but soon was able to play well with the bow.
His first recital was back in February. He did a good job but you could tell the first year students were very new to their instruments. It was terribly cute. However, just four months later, the children played a few of the same songs at the second recital that had been played during the first recital. Oh my goodness, the improvements were amazing. I was a very proud Mama.
At the end of the recital we turned in his instrument. His instructor asked if he was returning next term. Sadly, we are moving and he will be in a different district. When we informed her of this news, I thought his instructor was going to cry. She stated she was losing one of her best players and made me promise to keep him involved in music. She said he had a lot of talent and great potential.
The next morning, which would have been regular orchestra practice time, they were supposed to have a party to end the lessons. My son was unable to attend this party because he had Track & Field breakfast at the same time the orchestra party was underway. Since the breakfast was where the children were to pick up their team shirts he had to miss the orchestra party.

I was able to make it to the field just in time to see his event. He was participating in the Long Jump. He managed to jump 6'10". That is about 2.5 times longer than he is tall.
We are so proud of his efforts and his accomplishments. If he keeps practicing he could be great at either one of these things. Who know, he could have a seat at Juilliard or a spot in the Olympics someday. We just plan to nurture him and help him live up to his potential.
SIDE NOTE: He has been incredibly helpful since my husband's surgery. He even warmed up dinner tonight because I was at work when it was time to eat. I am so glad he is willing to help!
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