Saturday, April 21, 2012


Earlier this week our son came home with a permission slip to join track.  He wanted to do it so badly.  We explained how it was going to be hard work and a lot of practice but he still wanted to do it.  We filled out the slips and sent them in to the school with the sign up money for him to participate.  He was so excited. That is, he was excited until today.

Since the weather was SOOO nice outside, my husband and I decided we were going to take a walk.  We only discussed taking a short walk thus we told our son to put on his sweats and running shoes.  We told him he was going to run and start practicing for track.  We began by having him run ahead of us.  When he would be just about out of sight we would have him sprint back to us.  Then he would repeat the process.  We did not even make it around the block before he was complaining.  He was arguing about all of it.  I let him know if he argues with his coach he will be off the team.  That made him have a better attitude for about five minutes lol.  Then it was back to the arguing.  He did make it all the way around the block but it was a battle. 

While we were walking and our son was running ahead of us, my husband and I decided to extend our walk.  We planned to walk to the gas station, get us a big gulp, then walk back home at a leisurely pace while we sipped on our tasty beverages.  We were really enjoying the weather and having such a nice time outside.  Well my husband and I were anyway. 

Our son was doing some heavy complaining about the walk back.  It was hot.  He was tired.  It was uphill.  His feet hurt.  I just starting laughing.  My husband and I are three times older than him and we were loving it.  I really thought the 10 year old would be walking and running circles around us "old folks" but it simply was not the case.  You would have thought we were abusing the child with all the whining that was coming out of him.  I kept laughing and thinking, "Really son?  It is just some exercise.  And moderate exercise at best."  Poor child.

In his defense, I have a sun burn on my ears because I forgot to put on a hat or sunscreen, so I guess he could have been hot.  He is only ten and it turns out we walked about five miles.  I had no idea it was actually that far.  It really was uphill on the way back too.  :) 

However, I am not going to let him give into these excuses.  I am going to make sure he keeps exercising because he was pitiful today.  I know he can do better than he was.  He can give more and push harder than he was doing today.  I know he can.  Thankfully, he is not overweight.  I think he just does not really like to exert himself.  I guess he should have thought about that before begging to join track.  I have no idea if he will make it running track but I will encourage and support him as long as he is willing to try.  If I have my way, and I will get my way because I am the mom, he will complete the track season.  He may never want to do it again but he will finish what he started.  I know he can be great at it if he will just continue to try! 

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