In today's society it is almost necessary for both parents to work. The economic system makes it difficult to provide for a family on one income alone. Cost of living seems to be expensive no matter where you live.
As I have been searching for employment I have thought a lot about these gender roles. I love being able to be at home for my son. I am able to be at every event he has. I am able to help with his homework. I am able to guide him with any advice he needs from day to day. It makes me happy to be able to do these things and not have to rely on daycare; especially when my husband is deployed.

I would love my son no matter which gender role he chose but I know everyone is not like me. Some people really stress societal norms on others. I personally do not care who works, who stays at home, if both parents work, etc. m We all do what we need to do to survive. I just hope I can raise my son to be a healthy, well adjusted adult. I do not want to do any damage therapy cannot fix when he grows up!
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