When I lived in GA it was always so hot. I never really appreciated the sun and its golden rays of Vitamin D delight. The way it felt when my hair would start to get warm. Oh how my hair would shine in the sunlight.
Here in WA it is overcast and rainy about 8 or 9 months each year. During these months I long for sunlight. Each month seeming to be longer than the one before it. Sometimes I think the dark clouds will never go away.
Excitingly, last weekend was the first time I realized Spring is finally here in WA. I woke up somewhat early for a Saturday morning. I always sleep with my window dressing open so I can see the lights outside. It allows me to see the weather right as I wake up. When I opened my eyes it hurt. I blinked rapidly; confused as to what was impeding my vision. As the sleep rolled away I realized it was SUNSHINE. I laid back on my pillow and simply basked in the small amount sunlight coming into my window. It was like heaven. I allowed the sun to kiss my face as I enjoyed the warmth. It was so relaxing. I could honestly feel the happiness brewing inside me. How I had longed for this weather.
My family and I spent the majority of the weekend outside. We hiked and enjoyed Easter activities. We took full advantage of the magnificent rays. Happily the sun has shown for most of this week. It has been so clear and has somewhat dried up the moisture. Since it was not completely wet, I was able to being mowing my lawn earlier this week. My husband and I fight over who will get to do it because we both love working in the yard. Unfortunately for him, he was at work so I jumped right on the chore. Sadly for me, I ran out of gas before I could complete the task. So today as I was out running errands I got more gasoline, since I did not forget the gas can AGAIN!!! I was so excited to get home and finish the lawn. I did not even mind the grass stains on my shoes, the sweat on my brow, or the dirt under my finger nails. I was enjoying myself.
Now that the grass is cut and the weed eating is completed, I am at this very moment sitting outside as I write this. Loving the smell of freshly cut grass, the look of a job well done, and the feel of the sun on my skin. As long as I live I hope I never take advantage of the sunlight again. It is funny what you miss when you no longer have it everyday. The very thing you hated can become the thing you most desire.
If you enjoy sitting in the sun as much as I do, whether it be while reading, having a cool beverage or hanging out with friends BE SURE TO WEAR SUNSCREEN! It will protect you from harmful UV rays that can cause cancer and trust me...no one finds the photo below attractive! ALWAYS protect your skin. It will be with you for all of your life. Be kind to it!
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