Thursday, June 30, 2016

All sugar coated

I'm beginning to suffer from type 1 diabetes burnout again.  I get so tired of testing,  site changes,  sensor calibrations,  carb counting,  glucose spikes,  never sleeping through the night.  

People have no idea what it is like to have lived with this chronic illness everyday for the past 24 years.  It NEVER gets easier.

I spend everyday trying to keep my levels in perfect range.  Trying to figure out what caused a high or low.  Calculating the amount of carbs per serving and hope I did it accurately.   Eating a meal should not include a logarithm but it does for me.

I hate when people say, "it is what it is" because it's not.  It sucks.  My life is difficult all day everyday.   And now that is summer it's even harder.   Why,  you ask?  Heat.  Heat acts as a stressor on my body and causes high glucose.  Heat can also start to break down the synthetic insulin so it is literally not effective.  

Burnout sucks! With most things you can walk away.  Get burnt-out with your job or a bad relationship,  you can walk away.  Burnout with T1D means you die if you "walk away" and ignore the illness.  

Alas,  this is my life.  Time to check my glucose again.  I'm naturally too sweet and sugar coated.  l live in a world of used test strips. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

T1d community app

I would love to invite you to Beyond Type 1. Use this link to join the network: