Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sick Days

When I was a child I was amazed how my Mom never seemed to get sick.   The rest of our family would get viruses, fevers, etc.  But in all the years I was growing up, my Mom never got sick.  I thought she had some super power.  Well now I know the truth.

I think it is amusing how we can get sick days from work, excused absences from school, but moms never get a sick day.  I only thought of this today when I feel really bad.  I apparently have a stomach virus.  Well my son looked at me today and said, "Mom, you do not seem sick.  You are still taking care of stuff.  If you are sick, why are you not lying down like you tell me to do when I am sick?" 

I just smiled and told him I was okay but he has NO IDEA how bad I really want to do just that.  I want nothing more than to lay down and rest.  To snuggle with my fuzzy blanket and a tall bottle of water to stay hydrated.  Nothing would make me happier...well except not being sick.  That would make me happiest.

However, I know my family needs me.  My son needs help writing a report about a volcano.  I also have to start dinner.  This laundry is not going to wash itself and if I do not do it they may not have clean clothes soon.  My family needs me and they are my life.  It is my responsibility to make sure they are taken care of.

Don't get me wrong, my son and husband help me.   They pitch in even more on days I am sick but my son has homework responsibilities and my husband works all day.  I know my son will not be excused from homework just because I am sick and my husband is so tired when he gets home.  I feel guilty when he has to help with homework or cook dinner.  Those are my jobs and usually I am really good at them. 

With all that being said, I need to give KUDOS to my mom for her years of hard work with our family.  I am ashamed I never noticed this before.  She is amazing and did a wonderful job.  Everyone be sure to tell your mom how much you appreciate her.  She probably does not hear it enough.  And every now and again, give her a sick day.  Even if she is not sick!

On a side note, my son made me feel so great yesterday.  I walked my son to his orchestra practice this morning so I could tell his teacher I would be picking him up so we could go to the doctor. When I was leaving I told him to have fun at practice and learn a new song for know, the same old stuff I say every practice that I think goes unnoticed. Well as I walked away I heard him tell his teacher, in the sweetest voice, "I love my mama. She is the best!" What a great way to start my day!  As a mom, little things make us feel so absolutely special! 

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